Fatwa: Cleansing hidden impurities

8 years 1 week ago #202 by Imam Rassi Society
Question: If the impurity is hidden, what does one do to remove it?


One is to act upon assumption. By that I mean that one is to clean it until one assumes that the impurity is removed--even if it was just twice. By these washings, one has acted in accordance with what is established in At-Tahreer. This is closest to the explicit text of al-Hadi and al-Qasim. The [washing] three times is not explicitly mentioned except in the Prophetic narrations. The later scholars use this as a proof because of the explicit Prophetic statement. However, al-Hadi explicitly mentions it in Al-Ahkaam but does not state that it is to be done three times. He only mentions that the ritual impurity is to be removed and one is to be certain of it. Similar is stated in Al-Muntakhab [another book by al-Hadi] and likewise is mention by al-Qasim bin Ibrahim (as). The apparent denotation of the proof is that the ritual impurity is to be removed and purified, that is by removing it.

The hadith of washing three times is authentic and it is among the reports from al-Hadi as was mentioned; however, the apparent denotation is specific to the hand that one desires to dip into the water.

--answered by Sayyid Allama Muhammad bin Abdul-Azeem al-Houthi
الجواب: يعمل بالظن أعني يغسلها إلى أن يظن أنها لو كانت مرئية لزالت بهذه الغسلات هذا مقتضى المذهب الذي قرره في التحرير وهو أقرب إلى نص الهادي والقاسم فالثلاث لم ينصوا عليها إلا في الأخبار في النص النبوي والمتأخرون رجحوا الثلاث لأجل النص النبوي , لكن الهادي نص في الأحكام ولم يذكر الثلاث وإنما ذكر إزالة النجاسة وأكد عليها وفي المنتخب كذلك وكلام القاسم بن إبراهيم عليه السلام مثله وهو الظاهر من الأدلة إزالة النجاسة أو تطهيرها يعني إزالتها والحديث هو صحيح وهو من رواية الهادي كما تقدم حتى يغسلها ثلاثا فالظاهر أنها خاصة باليد التي يريد أن يغمسها في الماء.

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